Friday, March 15, 2019

Entry #18 Week Four Post Three

Today, my group split up into different groups with members of other groups working on the AICE Media film opening/magazine.

My teacher had organized this so that we could get a wealth of peer review on our project to help us further the plot and workout certain details of the project.

Some of the members discussed problems they had with location, timeline of the film, editing techniques and plot/character development. I had helped out some of my members by recommending certain locations that I have shot at before and certain episodes and movies that may inspire my peer to advance with their current product.

My group had approximately 6-7 people including me to provide commentary on everything we had done so far.

When I went, I briefly discussed a summary of our plot and they had all enjoyed the idea but thought it missed some important links and transitions between scenes. They gave us some input on the shots that we had storyboarded, which you will se in effect next post!

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