Saturday, March 2, 2019

Entry #10 Week Two Post Three

Welcome back!

Shelby, Reem, and I had all discussed what we learned from our group meets with our classmates and we also tried to build upon our idea.

Shelby had recommended that we capture how dated our society is by changing the main characters that are dating to a lesbian couple. Her idea was that we create this stigma around same-sex relationships in the people's ideology to show that they are that much more rebellious.

She also told us what they discussed in her group. Another peer of ours had taught Shelby how we can animate the zodiac signs into our short film. She also told us that the main characters that are friends can also not be compatible in terms of the government's rule.

Additionally, we began to discuss some scene ideas. One that I really liked was to show the main girl out with her friend at bar or restaurant on a Friday night to mingle. There would be a guy showing characteristics of a very stereotypical sign that was one that her sign opposed. The guy would approach the girl and try to flirt, but because of his actions earlier, she knew they were naturally incompatible and looks over at his wrist.

Shelby and Reem both approved of the bar scene because we believed it would help capture the mindset of the characters in our film.

Shelby added on to that with a recommendation she received from her group from Friday in which our opening or closing scene in the film opening could zoom out slowly showing multiple tables at a restaurant of couples on a date that were set up with the system and the title appearing on top of that.

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